Tuesday 20 December 2011

The Ghosts of un-Christmas past

So today I finally received my much anticipated reimbursement letter from a certain Irish airline. I can honestly say it was quite the let down. I don't even know why I was even surprised by this as this was not the first time, or the worst thing, that they had failed to deliver as promised. Two words: Last Christmas.

Just about sums me up last year...

I nearly shudder at the thought of what an utter let down and disappointment it was. There I was unbelievably excited, actually excited couldn't even cover it, at the thought of coming home from New York to Cork for Christmas. And before you even think it: No, I am not being sarcastic. I was genuinely ecstatic to see my loved ones...and do Christmassy things with everyone- like making mince pies, eating tins of roses while sharing stories on Christmas eve about our hilarious tall tales made up when we were children about spotting Santa and of course naturally go to the pub. So anyway, on the 23rd of December I packed my bags, gave back my dorm room key and set off ridiculously early to JFK Airport. Like six hours early.

Away I went!
So I arrive up to the check in desk only to be referred to another queue. That's when they tell me our flight was cancelled due to "unfavourable" conditions. Stunned, I rang my friend due to fly on the same flight to deliver the news. After hanging around for what seemed like forever we were all packed off to an airport hotel with the promise that we would be flying out the same time the next day and arrive in Christmas morning. I held onto that hope that we would make it home in time.

The thought of Christmas at home made even this view seem almost redundant by the 23rd!

So the next day we hauled our bedraggled selves to the airport once more and queued  for a good hour with the only agreed acceptable reason for leaving it again was by getting on a plane. The staff were about as useful as a chocolate teapot with regards any sort of updates or basic information on our flight. Some were downright rude and ridiculous to us, one member of staff even claimed to the more hotheaded of our group that he didn't care, could take them all on. Not exactly the Christmas cheer or empathy we were looking for in an airport on Christmas Eve. Among-st all the confusion and raised voices the screen above us flashed: Flight Cancelled.That was it. Game over. The Grinch stole Christmas.

No Christmas for Sandra last year!

 I'd like to add before anyone thinks I'm being unreasonable and a complete brat, as there was a lot of snow in Ireland at that time, that two of my friends flew out from New York on the 23rd into Ireland without much hassle. It's safe to say I handled the disappointment extremely well. I bought myself a bottle of rum as a miserable consolation present and headed to the hotel bar with a large motley crew of Irish expats.

Stranded...but not even in the wonderful city!
So that's the story of last Christmas, the non-event that still haunts me the Christmas enthusiast or nut if you will. This year, it's safe to say that I am making up for it. I made the family traipse around after me for five  freezing hours to look for the perfect tree. I, almost to a point of obsession, make sure that Christmas songs and movies are played at least once throughout the days on the lead up. I think at this stage I may know all the words to both Home Alone movies...I even let my boyfriend convince me to go ice skating to get as much Christmas Cheer as I could . (Along with spiders it is one of the few things that truly instills fear into me, ice skating that is!)

Pretty much perfect portrayal of my ice skating ability.
Even better, on top of this there are plenty more batches of Christmas cookies to devour; a chocolate Rice Krispie Tree to build; 12 pubs of Christmas; lots of mulled wine sessions; and Christmas eve still to come.

This year is full of Christmas cheer!

Anyway, have a great Christmas everybody! I know I will! :)


  1. I'll never forget the panic I got on the way to the airport by myself when I got your text about your cancelled flight!
    I think we have one lesson to learn from this...

    Newark Airport for the Win!:)

  2. Newark is the best Airport by far!! :)
